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    HHS released its final EHR interoperability and data-blocking rules on March 9, moving the industry another step closer to putting the patient in the driver’s seat for healthcare decisions.

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    Orchestrated Patient Journeys: Guiding Patients to an Outstanding Experience

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    Orchestrated digital journeys have transformed many industries, including retail, banking, entertainment, and travel. Healthcare is slowly catching up. Join us to learn best practices in orchestrating

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    Orchestrated Patient Journeys: Guiding Patients to an Outstanding Experience

    Orchestrated digital journeys have transformed many industries, including retail, banking, entertainment, and travel. Healthcare is slowly catching up. Join us to learn best practices in orchestrating

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    Using evidence-based guidelines to manage test utilization for the hospital laboratory can result in better, more cost-effective care.

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  • The New PAMA Math: Laboratory Data Key to Overcoming Medicare Cuts

    Learn how the Mayo Clinic addressed both over- and under-utilization, building value into the provider-ordering process using clinical decision support.

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